References for SBC Work

Note: The storage and listing of ACM-related publications at the Computer History Museum and its Software Preservation Group archives were originally permitted to the museum by the ACM

[FMS] Ray A. Larner. 1987. FMA: The IBM FORTRAN Monitor System, In "Proceedings of AFIPS 1987 Vol.1" 815-820 pdf
[FTN_1] J.W. Backus et al. 1957. The FORTRAN Automatic Coding System, In 1957 Western Computer Proceedings, 188-198 bitsavers_pdf
[FTN_2] Peter B. Sheridan. 1959. The Arithmetic Translator-Compiler of the IBM FORTRAN Automatic Coding System, In Communications of the ACM Volume 3, Issue 2 , February 1959, 9-21 chm_pdf acm_pdf
[FTN_3] Backus, John. 1981. "The History of Fortran I, II and III, " in Wexelblat, Richard L., ed., History of Programming Languages, Academic Press, New York, 1981, pp. 25-45 chm_pdf
[FTN_4] Ray A. Larner. 1963. Design of an Integrated Programming System: Part IV: The System's Fortran Compiler. In IBM System Journal, Volume 2, Issue 3 September 1963, 311-321 booksc_pdf
[IBJ_1] A.S.Noble. 1963. Design of an integrated programming and operating system: part i: system considerations and the monitor. In In IBM System Journal, Volume 2, Issue 2 June 1963, 153-161 booksc_pdf
[IBJ_2] Ray A. Larner. 1963. Design of an Integrated Programming System: Part IV: The System's Fortran Compiler. In IBM System Journal, Volume 2, Issue 3 September 1963, 311-321 booksc_pdf
[M_SORT] IBM. 1963. IBM 7090/094 Generalized Sorting System, Form C28-6307. pdf
[QT_1] T.M. Dunn, J. H. Morrisey. 1964. Remote Computing--An Experimental System: Part 1: External Specifications. In Proceedings of the April 21-23, 1964, Spring Joint Computer Conference (AFIPS '64 Spring), 413–423 pdf
[QT_2] J.M. Keller, E. C. Strum, G.H.Yang. 1964. Remote Computing--An Experimental System: Part 2: Internal Design. In Proceedings of the April 21-23, 1964, Spring Joint Computer Conference (AFIPS '64 Spring), 435-443 pdf