References for FSDB

[BP_1] Daniel Teichroew. 1972. "A Survey of Languages for Stating Requirements for Computer-Based Information Systems", In Proceedings of the December 5-7, 1972, Fall Joint Computer Conference, Part II (AFIPS '72). December 1972. pp.1203–1224 acm_pdf
[BP_2] J. Daniel Couger. 1973. "Evolution of Business Systems Analysis Techniques". ACM Computing Surveys 5,3. Sept. 1973. pp 167–198. acm_pdf
[BP_3] Tim Bergin, Thomas Haigh. 2010. "The Commercialization of Database Management Systems, 1969-1983", IEEE Annals of the History of Computing 31(4), pp.26-41. rg_pdf
[DB2_1] Donald J. Haderle, Cynthia M. Saracco. 2013. "The History and Growth of IBM's DB2", IEEE Annals of the History of Computing 35,2. June 2013, pp. 54-56, ieee_pdf
[DBTG_1] Robert W. Taylor, Randall L. Frank. 1976. "CODASYL Data-Base Management Systems". In "ACM Computing Surveys 8/1", March 1976. pp 67-103. acm_pdf
[DBTG_2] A. Metaxides, W. B. Helgeson, R. E. Seth, 1971. "Data Base Task Group Report to the CODASYL Programming Language Committee", Association for Computing Machinery. April 1971 not-available
[FS_1] Emerson Pugh, Lyle Johnson, and John Palmer. 1991. "IBM's 360 and Early 370 Systems", MIT Press, 1991 (Note: Emerson Pugh, a past president of IEEE, wrote extensively on IBM history, especially in relation to hardware.)
[FS_2] Emerson W. Pugh. 1995. "Building IBM: Shaping an Industry and Its Technology", The MIT Press, 1995
[FS_3] IBM. 1971. "Opel Task Force Report" (marked as draft), September 1971. ms_pdf
[FS_4] George Radin. 1971. "ADI, EDI, NMI Rationale", memo, November 1971. pdf
[FS_5] George Radin and Peter Schneider, 1976. "An architecture for an extended machine with protected addressing," IBM Poughkeepsie Laboratory Technical Report TR 00.2757, May, 1976 ms_pdf
[FS_6] IBM. 1971. AFS (Advanced Future System) System Architecture Manual, Feb. 26, 1971 bitsavers_pdf
[FS_7] IBM. 1971. AFS (Advanced Future System) Fundamental Concepts and System Language, 3rd ed., March 8, 1971 bitsavers.pdf
[FS_8] IBM. 1970. Higher Level System, Final Report, May 1970. bitsavers.pdf
[FS_9] IBM. 1972. The Application Development Interface. Presentation. April 1972.
[FS_10] M. Hopkins. 1974. A Preliminary Application Programmer Evaluation of FS. February 1974.
[IMS_1] IBM. 1976."IMS VS Version 1 Application Program Reference Manual". May 1976. bitsavers_pdf
[IMS_2] IBM. 1976."IMS VS Version 1 System Programming Reference Manual". May 1976. bitsavers_pdf
[REL_1] E. F. Codd. 1970. "A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks", in Communications of the ACM (13,6), June 1970, pp. 377-387. acm_pdf
[REL_2] E. F. Codd. 1971. "A Data Base Sublanguage Founded on the Relational Calculus". In "Proceedings of the 1971 ACM SIGFIDET (now SIGMOD) Workshop on Data Description, Access, and Control", November 1971, pp. 35-68. acm_pdf
[SJ_1] IBM. 1972. "Data Management Subsystem Development Workbook". San Jose. November 1972.
[SJ_2] W.H. Lyne. 1973. "Preliminary Plan for FS Data Management Subsystem Usability". February 1973.
[STOR_1] Vincent Y. Lum, H. Ling, Michael E. Senko. 1970. "Analysis of a Complex Data Management Access Method by Simulation Modeling" . In "Proceedings of the AFIPS '70 Fall Joint Computer Conference", November 17-19, 1970.
[STOR_2] Alfonso F. Cardenas. 1973. "Evaluation and Selection of File Organization — A Model and System". In Communications of the ACM (16, 9), Sept. 1973. pp.540–548 acm_pdf
[SYSR_1] Chamberlin 1981. "A history and evaluation of System R". In Communications of the ACM [24,10], Oct.1981. pp.632-646 acm_pdf berkeley_pdf
[SYSR_2] Paul McJones (editor). "The 1995 SQL Reunion: People, Projects, and Politics". SRC Technical Note 1997-18. August 20, 1997. src_pdf
[TRANS_1] Charles T. Davies. 1973. "Recovery Semantics for a DB/DC System", in "Proceedings of the ACM Annual Conference", August 1973, pp. 136–141 acm_pdf
[TRANS_2] Lawrence A. Bjork. 1973. Recovery Scenario for a DB/DC System", in "Proceedings of the ACM Annual Conference", August 1973, pp. 142-146 acm_pdf