References for CAI

[DART_1] Thomas E. Kurtz, "BASIC", In History of programming languages. Association for Computing Machinery. June 1978. pp. 515–537 acm_open_pdf
[RAIL_1] Edsger W. Dijkstra, "Making a Translator for ALGOL 60", in Supplement Number 10 to the ALGOL Bulletin. Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1961. UT_pdf pp.22ff
[RAIL_2] B. Randell and L.J. Russell, "ALGOL 60 Implementation: The Translation and Use of ALGOL 60 Programs on a Computer", Academic Press, 1964 chm_pdf pp 148ff
[SBC_1] IBM DPD Chronology. webpage (see under 1968)
[SBC_2] New York Times. 1973."I.B.M. TO SELL UNIT TO CONTROL DATA IN SETTLING SUITS". Jan. 16. 1973. webpage (digitized_from_print_archive)
[SBC_3] SBC. 1970. "CALL/360 Basic Reference Handbook". bitsavers_pdf
[SDS_1] "Reference manual for SDS 920" bitsavers_pdf
[TS_1] "Time Sharing System Scorecard", Computer Research Corporation, Newton MA, 1967 bitsavers_pdf